O.S.I.R. # 2

Oh my God...

Single-click navigation has to be turned off in one place for file navigation, and another for desktop?
And somebody thought the logical place to put the single-to-double-click-toggle was at  the end of
(Click on random icon) ->ROX-Filer -> Options...-> Pinboard ?

Because the pinboard* is a groovy invisible thing that is between me and my desktop.
Because my desktop is not the desktop I'm used to, its actually what I would have called my Background
Because my Background is more than my Background; it has surpassed mere bitmaphood via pinboarding; it has been powered up by the invocation of Xwindows, and turned from Adam Wimpy to Pinhead He-Man.

So it makes perfect sense to be in a situation where I want to single-click a desktop icon (I'm sorry, I mean a pinboard shortcut, and then when the file manager opens up, start double-clicking to navigate?

But 5 minutes later, when I open a .tar file and double-click(absent-mindedly) on a file, I get this error message:

" Double-clicking doesn't work until you set your default handler using the
'set double-click default handler' flag  in the 'open with..' dialog."


So the default handler is set by default to complain about not being set by default? Not to mention that I clicked on the README.TXT file. So even if  Xarchive isn't smart enough to look at the desktop's default configuration, or at the file manager's default configuration, its not smart enough on its own to default to display?
I am willing to bet that README.TXT is the most common file found in archives.  I am willing to bet that display as text (or even as a hex dump) is probably the most basic action anyone would ever want and any time. Anything is better than nothing! (unless anything is 'delete everything' or 'shoot user')**
Permit me to quote a relevant passage from the GNU Org's Autoconf manual:***

"By default, configure sets the prefix for files it installs to /usr/local.The user of configure can select a different prefix using the --prefix and --exec-prefix options..."

Why /usr/local ? because its the most-likely-guess. Why 'display-as-text'? Same reason, with the added point of that this is Linux --the OS is built out of text!

*Nothing apparently to do with Pinterest, or a form of torture invented by Pinhead.
**I understand that both are switch options when using emacs. (--suffer and --killhuman, I think)
***Perhaps the closest thing to a standard?

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