"I, like most spoiled people with a internet connection..." --Jenna Marbles

I wanted to open this post with a still from XXX, the scene where the camera pans across a long line of weapons ending in front of the GTO, and Xander says to Shavers: "I want you put all of this...into that."

But google has let me down, and I'm not about to find my copy of the movie to extract a single still to provide a weak background joke. Instead I'm going to show you picture number two, which is the beginning of a new project:

All that glittery junk...I feel like a bandit from a movie.
So why did I just waste your time with this?
To paraphrase Jenna Marbles, because I, like most spoiled people with a internet connection, often have nothing better to do, and the alternative was to talk about the astonishingly line:
"...glistening from pustules of lust-sweat."  which may just become my new tagline,
 or the error message

" Cite error: The named reference rahul_yadav was invoked but never defined"
Which comes across as Charles Stross crossed with H.P.Lovecraft.
Unfortunately, despite its alluringly exotic ring to a Scots-Canadian mongrel's ears, Rahul Yadav is a real and proper name, and not the dread moniker of a demonic force from Algol.
I would like to hear of a spellbook from the other side of the earth that used 'John Smith' as a exotic name, although I suspect that 'Jack Ketch' would fit the bill better, even if not as commonplace.

I will remark however, that the combination of "XXX" and "Shavers" is a rather NSFW search, and surprisingly, "GTO" does nothing to sanitize the image search results.

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