I, Dorothy. iDorothy. I...Dorothy. Dorothy One.

Weird foreshadowing of the day: Twister and the iMac.
Not the computer itself, but the name, the stereotype of adding a 'i' to the beginning of a name. I always wondered where it had come. Why 'i' ?
 Apple had previously invested in a 'e' as in eWorld and eMate.

The iMac was announced in 1998. In 1996, Twister was one of the biggest movies of the year. And when the camera pans across the plot-central instrument probe, the V'ger from Kansas itself, we see its name painted on its metal side: IDOROTHY.
'Dorothy' makes obvious sense, especially as its based on the TOTO probe was built and used in real life in 1980's.

Can we really argue with this? Okay,  the I is the Roman numeral one.  Mark One, Mod One, Unit One? The 'second' DOROTHY is labeled IV.
But needless to say, tens of millions of people watched this movie in 1996,and two years later the iMac is named.
Now incidentally, iMac wasn't a Jobs idea. His choice was the 'MacMan', deftly ripped off the Sony Walkman.
Ken Segall claims credit for the iMac moniker, and I would really like to know if he had ever gone to the theater and watched Twister.

Bride of Za'at

Today's breaking news: Microsoft fuses rape culture with operating systems using the old paradigm that 'No' means 'Yes'.
Bravo, guys. Like the resisting blonde monomaniacaly selected to be the monsters bride, despite our protests, despite our defiance, we are helpless before the world-grinding plans of Za'at. But are we doomed to be Sanna Ringhaver or Nancy Lien?

"Those whom they[the gods] would destroy, they first make mad."

The Color of Mirrors, the Color of Madness

If the proper study of Man is Man than the Tunnel of Mirrors awaits.

Mistress of the Universe

Bear with me.
If we consider She-Ra analogous to Napoleon Bonaparte, than we can drawn the obvious extension of Wellington / Hordak. But who, then, the Empress Josephine?
After some thought, I would like to press Cat-Ra into that role.
This casts some interesting insight in to the power politics of Etheria...

"The only victory over love is flight."
--Napoleon Bonaparte

"All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we 
are attached by love." 
-- Baruch Spinoza 

I would perhaps, strike the word 'solely'.