"I am a patient boy; I wait, I wait, I wait..."

Ran across this breathtaking gem today while searching for something else:*

"What makes bibtex superior over Endnote and Citavi is, that Bibtex was invented by the UNIX Community. It is working on the command line. Before somebody can use Bibtex, he has to become a UNIX expert, which means he needs to be familar with the C programming language, the Linux kernel and textformatting tools like sed, grep and awk." **

So...in order to use what is well described as a very useful and well designed footnoting tool, a hapless paper writer has to become a Unix expert?

I am not going to comment on the ramifications of the idea that a bibliographic reference should demand familiarity with grep.

*Which I can't talk about because it would derail my indignation.