
I Ching hexagrams can be drawn as hexagons, with the edges marked with broken and unbroken bars : Hexagramagons

This would give a couple of interesting actions.
The first is that a surface can be tiled with hexagramagons. Matching broken to broken edge, or matching broken to solid edge would give two different tilings. Not sure yet if either tiling is complete in that every hexagramagon can be used, and further more, I do not know if a possible tiling is the complete surface of a 64 facet solid is possible. Hell, I am not even sure if there is a 64-facet solid with hexagon facets.

But before we get sucked into solid geometry, consider this: each hexagramagon can be rotated. And when it rotates, it can become another, different, hexagram.
With the exception of hexagram 1 and 2, which rotate only into themselves, the following chains exist:
000001<> 000010<>000100<> 001000 <> 010000 <>100000
000011<>000110<>001100 <>011000 <>110000 <>100001
000101<>001010<>010100 <>101000 <>010001 <>100010
000111<>001110<>011100 <>111000 <>110001 <>100011
001011<>010110<>101100 <>011001 <>110010 <>100101
001101<>011010<>110100 <>101001 <>010011 <>100110
001111<>011110<>111100 <>111001 <>110011 <>100111
010111<>101110<>011101 <>111010 <>110101 <>101011
011111<>111110<>111101 <>111011 <>110111 <>101111
001001 <>010010 <>100100
011011 <>110110 <>101101
010101 <>101010

The groups of six makes sense, because a hexagon has 6-fold rotational symmetry anyways.
It is the two groups of three and the one group of two that seem jarring.
Note that every hexagram is represented here, with no repetitions.

This gives some new oracular interpretive patterns. For instance, this implies hexagram 51 ('Shake', or 'thunder') is connected to 29('The Gorge' or 'The Abyss') and to 52 ('Bound' or 'Stillness').
For me, that combination immediately makes me think of Dante's Inferno, and Lucifer Morningstar.

All grist for the mill: forcing apophenia to discover that which might never have been thought of under normal conditions.

The next step is to construct a set of hexagramagon tiles to see what patterns may be laid out.

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